Day 37… D-1

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Version française


From Ribadiso do Baixo to O Pedrouzo
22kms. 4horas. (20kms left to Saint-James)

Jour 37


… that day I defended my masters or PhD thesis… that day I got my diploma at the Aula Magna… that day I got married… that day I got baptised…

Today, I spent the day having the similar feeling than the one I felt the day before all those events. The moments I’ve been walking alone, I became a cumulus of tears, nostalgia and nerves.

Even if I try, as a rebellion act, not to watch the lasting kms, I keep getting closer…

The collective anxiety can be felt in the atmosphere. Almost everybody woke up at 4AM. All of them want to get the closest possible. I began to fear becoming like them, fearing not to get early enough for the Mass, not to be on time for… for… for… etc.
I forced myself to finish my stage without doing too many kilometers for my body’s sake. 22 kms were enough and I wanted to get to Saint-James after one more stage, like everyday. But I couldn’t avoid to get into the whirlwind.

I breathe. I think about how the Way got to touch me. I realize that maybe I don’t have all the answers to all the existential questions, to all the transcendental questions…
So many times did I the arriving image passed through my head…

I breathe. I think about the sentence “Let Saint-James arrive to you”, I keep repeating it in my head, I keep it in my heart.

I breathe over and over again. I’m searching the trees’ peace, the beautiful memories’ tranquillity. I let the fatigue doing its job and relaxing my body.

I breathe… tomorrow, I’ll arrive to Saint-James.

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